About Trevor

Salt Lake City, 2017


Hey there. If you are reading this blog then you most likely know who I am. If not, then this just got really awkward. In case you forget here is my quick life story.

I was born and raised in Spokane, Washington as the youngest of six children. I moved to Salem, Oregon when I was sixteen and the only one living at home with my folks. After graduating high school, I served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to the England London South Mission from February 2006 until February 2008.

I attended Brigham Young University Idaho for one term in late 2008 and then transferred to Portland State University in 2009. I graduated PSU with a minor in Graphic Design and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.


2016 ā€” Moab, Utah


Upon completing university, I moved to Utah to begin my career life. And that is where we meet, here on my blog.

I am a spare time designer, photographer, architect enthusiast, historian and political wonk.


2015 ā€” Craig, Alaska